Monday, March 26, 2007

Round Two

Well we got the call from the Doctor in the Czech Republic. They have scheduled a new implant date of either April 30th or May 2nd, depending on how the embryos respond. We are very excited to have a date for another attempt. Unfortunately, this time Nick and I will be holding down the home front, kind of a bachelors week getaway without actually going away. While the two guys are taking care of the house and dog, Kathy will be traveling with her sister Annie who graciously volunteered to go. I'm certain the two of them will have a great time. So with the intinerary planned and tickets booked the countdown begins.

Sunday, March 18, 2007


I've been struggling on how to continue with the blog. The initial reason for the site was to tell others of our story and to raise funds to cover the costs we incurred as a result of Aiden's death. We set a lofty goal of raising $30k. However, with the tremendous support of friends and family we were able to raise nearly $25k. This allowed us to cover all of Aiden's funeral expenses, all of the expenses of our first IVF attempt and many of Aiden's medical expenses. We were able to work out a payment plan for the remaining balance. As we go forward and incur additional IVF expenses we are going to count on that dynamic duo of Master Card and Visa.

Again, we want to thank all of those that have help us through these trying times. Your love and support has helped us a great deal. At this point I think the fund raising effort has run its course, though if you feel the need to contribute please feel free. As things of interest happen I will continue to update the site.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Slight setback

So today was suppose to be a day of celebration. Kathy went to the lab for a blood test today. We were rather confident that it would come back positive. Unfortunately that was not the case. However, rather than looking at this with despair we've chosen to view it as a practice run. We are fortunate that we still have two grade 1 embryos on ice with our names on them. Now we need to wait another cycle then Kathy can begin her meds again in preparation for a return trip to Zlin. Nothing good comes easy.