Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Reporting from the home front

Since Annie's PC is out of commission that means the only photos being posted will be from this side of the Atlantic.

I am happy to report that the Nickster and I are managing just fine during this week of bachelorhood. After dropping Kathy off on Friday we spent a quiet night at home. On Saturday we went to stay with the Maloneys in Massachusetts where Nick was treated like royalty.

On Sunday we ventured to Groton to meet up with the Modzelewski clan for the Groton Road Race. While Patti and Griffin ran the 5K and Sophie did the 2K Nick was dominating the Toddler Trot in the 4-year old category.

During the week we've just settled into a routine of early morning playtime, breakfast, then off to daycare/work, outdoor playtime, dinner, indoor playtime, a much needed bath time and finally story time (more like three story time). Other than that we are just counting the days till Mommy gets home. :-)

1 comment:

SommerNyte said...

So glad to see things are underway again!!! Best of luck to you all! :)