Friday, July 13, 2007

The Morning Show interview

So the show is over and we are back home from our big adventure. It certainly was a whirlwind. We flew into Newark and were picked up by a car provided by the show. The accommodations at the Double Tree in Times Square was very nice. We were right in the center of all the hustle and bustle of New York City.

I have to admit we were disappointed about the show itself. The expectations did not live up to the reality of the experience. When we spoke with two of the Assistant Producers and told them our story they said it was an interesting and compelling story which they wanted us to share. We were told the segment would be 15 minutes and there would be plenty of time to talk of the loss of Aiden, our decision to have another child and the experience of our IVF adventure. It wasn't until the day before the show that we discovered that the topic of the segment was "The hidden dangerous of overseas infertility treatment" and that there would be two other people with us during the interview to provide a counterpoint. We were told they were there to provide another opinion of overseas IVF and it was not going to be a negative situation for us. The good news is I think we spoke well and did not embarrass ourselves. The segment ended up only 8 minutes long because of some four year old "breaking" news story.

Oh well, we 're back in beautiful New Hampshire expecting two new babies so let them say what they want in NYC

1 comment:

SommerNyte said...

Skip and I watched the segment and thought you guys did a great job -- even if that lady on the end kept butting in and talking. I was sad to see that the show was about the "dangers" but you guys did awesome!