Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Bittersweet Day

Today should be a happy day. We have made the final payment on Aiden's medical expenses. It still seems crazy that a hospital can tell you your son has died and then proceed to hand you a bill for many thousands of dollars. Anyway, for nearly the past two years I have been making payments on Aiden's medical bills. Today I received the final bill, meaning the expenses are paid in full. This would generally be something you celebrate. However, in this situation it means I will no longer receive a monthly bill with Aiden's name on it. As much as I hate bills, it was always comforting to receive mail from someone else acknowledging Aiden's life.

1 comment:

SommerNyte said...

A very bittersweet moment indeed. I can't even imagine what it's been like paying on those bills, but finding comfort in them nonetheless and now to have them stop.